This documentary portrays the unique relationship of Haji Baba, the head of the family, with his children and shows their emotions and feelings towards one and another.
Duration :77 min
director(s) : Nasser Zamiri
Presence of Iranian women in Iranian Constitutional MovementV
Duration :72 min
director(s) : ، Azadeh Bi Zar Giti
A narrative of a scavenger who has found a billion bill and returns it to its owner
Duration :50 min
director(s) : ، Seyyed Hamed Nobari
This documentary looks at the diversity of climate, living standards and lifestyles in Balochistan. Images of fishing, volcanoes, deserts, groves and music show examples of the life of the people of Balochistan
Duration :54 min
director(s) : ، Piruz Kalantari
The relation between people and cinema
Duration :86 min
director(s) : ، Amir Farzollahi