Movies - Archaeology

Found 36 Movies Archaeology

Lorestan the Ancient Land of Kassite People
Lorestan the Ancient Land of Kassite People (2018)

The archeological expeditions of Atta Hassanpour at Lorestan Province (Lorestan Province, is a province In Western Iran by the Zagros Mountain Ranges) and his writings from 10 years ago are the issues of this film.

Duration :64 min

director(s) : Manouchehr Tayab

Son of Hystaspes
Son of Hystaspes (2017)

In 1837, Sir Henry Rawlinson was able to copy and decipher the Biston inscription, using documents prepared by earlier scholars, and thus read a large number of surviving inscriptions from earlier times. This inscription is the decree and description of the conquests of Darius I of the Achaemenid dynasty. Using laser scanning technology, Professor Walter Henkenman was able to scan the entire inscription and read more parts of it. The inscription of Biston in three languages ​​of Elamite, Akkadian and ancient Persian related to 2500 years ago was carved on a rock 30 meters above the ground and it is not accessible to everyone.

Duration :42 min

director(s) : ، Abbas Sahib

Parikhani (2017)

The documentary deals with "Narin Qaleh" of Meybod with a poetic, mythological and historical approach. This castle dates back to ancient times

Duration :28 min

director(s) : ، Masoumeh Kiani

In depth
In depth (2017)

An amateur archaeologist and an ecologist on the northern edge of the central desert of Iran follow in the footsteps of the first humans and, in addition to visiting and introducing Paleolithic sites in the area, managed to discover an unidentified Paleolithic site in the depths of the deserts south of Semnan.

Duration :43 min

director(s) : ، Keyvan Tabatabai Samimi

Mitra (2016)

A look to the Mithraism deals with the effect of the relationship between the seal religion and the Christian religion, which can be proved from various aspects. The phenomenon of Mithraism is older and more influential than any other religion in Iranian public culture

Duration :90 min

director(s) : ، Mohammad Moghadam