I talk to God 2004

‌ This documentary shows a woman and a man hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital in two parts. In the first part of the women's sanatorium, the story of a woman named "Parvin" who was released as a child with her brother is narrated.At the age of 41, he still lives in a nursing home away from his wife and children and has attempted suicide several times. The story of a 34-year-old man who lost his mother at the age of 10 and his father at the age of 12 is depicted in a men's nursing home. He suffered from seizures during the war, has now recovered from his treatment, and can now speak with difficulty. His contemporaries were martyred on the front, and the will of one of them had a profound effect on him. Another man with a mental illness lives in this sanatorium, but he is a good painter and his works show his unhappiness and mood.






Genre ، Social
Genre ، Holy Defence
Category ، Documentary
Film style or methodology ، Hybrid
Subjects ، Social Science ، Family
Subjects ، Social Science ، Social Service
Subjects ، Social Science ، Problems and Social Harms
Subjects ، Social Science ، Criminology
Subjects ، Social Science ، Nursing Home for the Disabled and the Elderly
Subjects ، Social Science ، Veterans Sanatorium
Subjects ، General ، Psychology and related fields

Producer :

Category :

Documentary ،


29 min




I talk to God

Production Crew

Production Manager

Director's Crew

Cinematographer's Crew

Director of Photography

Sound Crew

Sound Recorder

Selected Music

Editor Crew


I talk to God


I talk to God



I talk to God

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